Wednesday, December 22, 2004

GREversal of Fortunes

When, my friend, you feel Acarpous
You must Accede
The cause is Mucous
but life must Proceed

Acerbity is the order of the day,
and all goes Awry
remember, for you I do Pray
all I can say is Sorry

"But I do not feel Blithe"
Yes yes, Quite,
"and try as I Might
I feel no Respite"

If all you feel is Captious
Prickly as a Cactus,
know that I was not the Catalyst,
The Mastermind, behind your bacterial Tryst,

Deletrious, your attitide is,
and everyone you try to Diss
and when everyone, you Hate,
Be Dispassionate

Come now, Let me feel your Ebullience
Instead of hearing your Elegy
My spirit you must Elevate
That shall relieve Thine Allergy

Go on, be Facetious
'stead you're being Fastidious
For example, this soup ain't Tasteless
'Tis Quite Salubrious

I don't mean to be Grandeloquent
But you really must be more Ebbulient
This is just a Hurdle
Don't make my joy Curdle

"What is it you are trying to Insinuate,
That my Ceaseless complaining must Abate?
you're holy, spiritual, done your penance
look past my Intransigence"

You Could be more Jocose
"Too Comatose..."
More Verbose?
"Hell, I can't even feel my Toes!"
Well, don't be so Morose~
You're quite Lachrymose

You used to be so Loquacious
"Guess I just feel vicious"
Yes, quite pernicious
"HAHA, sorry, don't feel supercalifragilisticespialidocious"
Won't you stop Berating
I'm trying hard to be Commiserating

You're acting like a Misanthrope
"I've kinda lost all Hope"
Stop being a Dope
"I'm not as loving as the Pope"

You're acting like a Pariah
"Like I said, I'm not a Messiah"
But 'tis the season to be jolly
"To be jolly, that's just folly"

With joy, you are Penurious
"Are you telling me I Parsimonious"
With that statement I must Acquiesce"
"Forgive me, won't you please?"

A sudden change, pray, why So?
"Quid Pro Quo"
All the kindness you've shown,
for that I think I've grown"

"Now I feel full of Life, Full of Zest
at the Apogee of my Life
Riding the wave, At the Crest"

Good to hear, My Child,
That your temper is now more Mild
Long have I Suffered
And Now, evil Progeny, your Disease you have transferred

And so, you sick little pup,
Shut Up!!

By Sanju

Q. How many Engineers does it take to reach enlightenment?

A. None, Just one Computer Scientist to destroy their Egos'...


ShadowSonic said...

...what? o_O;;

ShadowSonic said...

Oi, update this thing, damn you. I NEED ENTERTAINMENT!